Note that you actually have to combine the base arrow shaft with the head for each type of arrow to get the final product (such as arrow shaft + slowdown arrowhead for a functional slowdown arrow). Arrow RecipesĪlthough frequently lacking the area affect possibilities of grenades (well, unless you place something flammable on the ground first), many of the elemental and magical arrow effects can be just as useful, with knockdown and charming arrows in particular offering plenty of tactical options. For instance, you need to be manufacturing certain types of potions if you want to reliably produce elemental arrows. Note that many of the recipes included below are interconnected, and a player will be rewarded for trying out new combinations.
All Divinity: Original Sin 2 Crafting Recipes In this guide, we've broken out each and every recipe and its base ingredients from arrows to grenades to weapons. While some of the recipes will look familiar to those who played the first game, others have been tweaked considerably throughout Early Access.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 includes some big changes to the series in terms of races, classes, spells, and stats.